Saturday 1 February 2014

Ambassador Chris Giwa, the symbol of hope for football

Giwa FC bankrolled by young Plateau State politician Ambassador Chris Giwa, is a club making waves in the Nigerian football jungle.The club confirmed it superiority with a 5-4 shootout win over Abia Warriors in the Nigeria National League Champions Cup.They were confirmed worthy winners of the division,after promotion to the elite league.

The brain behind the fruitful adventure of the club in a man of Peace, who loves and adore budding talents.

Chris Giwa is a man that has practically identified with the citizens for the traumatic setbacks and tragic events they suffered through the humanitarian work which his foundation is offering. He has demonstrated that he is truly compassionate and deeply touched by the wounds and displacements which the entire citizens suffered because of the prolonged hostilities, thereby fulfilling Christ’s law of being our brothers’ keepers. He carries the burdens of the entire citizenry irrespective of their leaning and status by identifying practically with their plights by the use of his God-given blessings to relieve the afflicted and give smile and hope to the downcast and the bruised. 
All classes of people meet him for all forms of needs and he readily assists them based on his capacity. He explained that his reason for his generous disposition is to stop the poor and the deprived from being vulnerable to manipulation and abuse. This gesture was well felt by players,officials and fans of the club. The fact remains that he is a compassionate leader who reaches out to the needy.

This disposition of charity, which Chris Giwa has adopted as a strategy for identifying with the displaced and providing them with the capacity to recover and prosper, is the surest way to connecting leadership with the led. Plateau at this trying moment, needs this kind of leadership badly to regenerate and bounce back to peace and boom, and this makes him the greatest because the pillars of Plateau’s recovery are faith, hope and charity and of these, charity is the greatest.

Focused on God, which causes whoever he calls to triumph and whose grace is sufficient for the accomplishment of any progressive agenda, he has already gotten the right capacity to earn people’s trust, rediscover and redirect the state on the right values and ideology, revive God’s work in a league his club won convincinly. His club's feat wasn't expected by analyst in the 2012/2013 Nigeria National League.

Being a new breed administrator, who is humble and knowledgeable in providing interpretive and transformatory leadership and who also accords great premium to past contributions and leaders, he is set to make an impact with his team in the new Globacom Nigeria Premier League new season.

His proper vision of providing development through the provision of synergy to citizens, serves as the engine of achieving the vision (“together we can make it”) dignifies his determination to adopt public-private partnership (PPP) as his policy and strategy of development. Development anchored on the principles of PPP is a world-wide acclaimed strategy for the full maximization and utilization of the citizens’ potentials and provision of infrastructure that facilitate speedy development.

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