Friday 12 December 2014

Former Eagles Skipper Thumbs Up Dream Team VI

Former Nigeria captain Joseph Yobo has called on the players currently undergoing screening for the national men’s U-23 team, Dream Team VI, to see themselves as the next set of Super Eagles, advising them to obey their coaches.

Yobo gave the call on Thursday when he visited the venue of the screening in Abuja.

“I was like one of you guys. It was nice coming to watch you play, though this is a training session. The coach is like a brother, a good friend. When he saw me and he asked me to come, I just can’t say no. I started just like you, if not worse,” Yobo said.

“I just want to encourage you. I’m happy with what I’m seeing; there is still room for improvement in your career, just believe in yourself, believe in your coach, and believe in your teammate.

“It’s not a do or die affair, it has to be team work. Even if I knew there was competitions amongst you, you have to keep it friendly, but most importantly you have to believe in God.

“You have great talent, I have seen most of you now. I believe in this team especially in your coach; you guys are privileged.

“This team is privileged to have one of the best African coaches taking care of them, so you have to listen to him. You have to work very hard. If you work hard and you don’t listen to him it won’t work.

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